TimeDistanceMeetingLocation / GroupAddressRegionDistrictTypes
9:30 am Good Morning Group
St. Paul's Anglican Church
137 Queen St Kingston and Area Discussion, Open
5:15 pm As Bill Sees It Group
St. James Anglican Church
10 Union St Closed, Discussion
6:30 pm Keep It Simple Meeting
240 Brock St Location Temporarily Closed, Open, Speaker
7:00 pm Journey Through Recovery
4080 Bath Rd Discussion, Fragrance Free, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open, Secular, Wheelchair Access
7:00 pm Odessa, ON Group
Emmanuel United Church
63 Factory St Discussion, Open
7:00 pm North End Meeting
Holy Family Parish
130 Wiley St Discussion, Fragrance Free, Open, Wheelchair Access
7:30 pm Alcoholics Get-together Meeting
Kingston Kingston and Area Discussion, Online Meeting, Open
7:30 pm Get Well Group
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
263 Victoria St Big Book, Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access