
Welcome!  Alcoholics Anonymous is alive and well in this corner of Southeastern Ontario.

You do not have to be an alcoholic. You may know someone who is struggling and may benefit from this information. Or, you may have a suspicion that alcohol is having a negative impact on your life. To contact AA Kingston call: 613-900-6285

Zoom/Online AA Meetings:

  • Please check the Meetings list for online meetings that can be accessed online or by telephone.
    • *Toll-free number (serving all 50 states, the Caribbean, and Canada): 833-302-1536. Toll number: 650-724-9799
    • It will ask for meeting ID: type the Meeting ID and #
    • It will ask for Participant ID: Just press #
    • It will ask for meeting Password : type meeting password and #

Who We Are (Preamble)

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Read More


Meetings are held daily across the Kingston region. There is no cost to attend (contributions are voluntary), and your attendance will remain anonymous.

Meeting List

Canadian Directory

A listing of Local / Central Offices, Intergroups, and Answering Services across Canada.

Contact the one closest to where you are looking for an AA meeting.

Directory (.PDF)

Upcoming Events

In addition to regular meetings, special events are held from time to time across the district and in the area. Visit the AA Kingston Upcoming Events section for further details.